RAVENOL Antifrost Enteiser

Inactive options are available upon request

Category: Winter
Item number: 1420217

RAVENOL Antifrost Enteiser is a ready to use winter screenwash antifreeze de-icer with freeze protection to -30 °C with a special pleasant CITRUS perfume, based on alcohols.

RAVENOL Antifrost Enteiser eliminates quickly and thoroughly frost, snow and icing on car windows and headlights, thawed and frozen door locks and protects against new ice formation.

Application Note

RAVENOL Antifrost Enteiser is ready for use and is used purely.

RAVENOL Antifrost Enteiser provides freeze protection down to -30 °C. Remove loose snow and loose ice with the ice scraper or wire whisk. Open spray head from

RAVENOL Antifrost Enteiser by turning and spray from about 15 cm from top to bottom. Keep spray bottle vertically when spraying. After use, close the spray head.

To refill, please use our RAVENOL Antifrost Enteiser from the 1000 ml bottle.


  • A very good cleaning performance
  • freeze protection to -30 °C
  • Compatible for wipers, plastics and polymers
  • Ready biodegradability

Technical Product Data

Density at 20 °Ckg/m³958EN ISO 12185
Flashpoint°C24DIN EN ISO 13736
Pourpoint°C-30ASTM D1177

All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.