RAVENOL ODL 100 Druckluftoel

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Category: Hydraulic oil
Item number: 1323407
Viscosity: 100
Oil type: Mineral oil
Application area: Industry

RAVENOL ODL 100 Druckluftoel is a special-compressed-air-oil for pneumatic tools of all systems.

RAVENOL ODL 100 Druckluftoel bonds condensed water, has an excellent corrosion protection, wear protection and an extraordinary pressure absorption capacity, a good adhesive power and high aging resistance. Easily conveying- and spray ability, economy consumption. No deposits caused by cleaning effects. Full power of impact.

Application Note

RAVENOL ODL 100 Druckluftoel is especially suitable for pneumatic tools with sound-absorbing-case, for lubrication of rock drills, road breaker, chipping hammer and spade hammer, ram machines and other pneumatic aggregates. Application by pre-switch-lubricator according to working instructions or usable directly in the air pipe.

Please follow the manufacturer´s instructions.


  • a high performance level
  • a very good viscosity temperature behaviour
  • a good adherence
  • a high aging resistance
  • a reliable wear protection
  • an excellent corrosion protection
  • neutrality of sealing materials

Technical Product Data

Density at 20 °Ckg/m³875,0EN ISO 12185
Viscosity at 100 °Cmm²/s11,7DIN 51562-1
Viscosity at 40 °Cmm²/s100,0DIN 51562-1
Viscosity Index VI105DIN ISO 2909
Pourpoint°C-24DIN ISO 3016
Flashpoint°C264DIN EN ISO 2592
FZG-Test A/8.3/90 Damage loading step%wt.12DIN 51354/2

All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.